Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe makes an appeal
The Editors of the official website of the Western European Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia published an appeal to parishioners and friends of Elevation of the Cross Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland, on its approaching 150 th anniversary and the church’s restoration.
Dear Friends:
Our dear predecessor and father, Vladyka Anthony of blessed memory, once gazed upon our cathedral and said: “We love our cathedral and are proud of it. It contains prayer and beauty, the visible image of Heaven on Earth. We wish to preserve it this way.”
We all understand this, and I am certain that all residents of Geneva share this sentiment. Many people who see our cathedral on a daily basis could not imagine their city without it. We have been entrusted with cherishing this treasured legacy, preserve it in good condition and splendor.
The time has come to renovate the entire building: from the roof to the altar. The challenges are multi - faceted and complicated . We are elated to embark upon this project: to increase its beauty and correct what is lacking. In other words, we need to return to our temple its original gleam and magnificence. Only the generous contributions of our parishioners and friends will allow our cathedral to continue its 150-year service and remain a shining testament to Orthodox Christianity and her beauty.
May God bless you all.
Invoking Divine blessings upon you
Archbishop of Geneva and Western Europe