LONDON: 31 March 2023
All parishes in Great Britain and Western Europe held prayer services for the end to the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

All parishes of Great Britain and the Western European Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia held prayer services "for the end to impious persecution" of the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe, molebens were performed on 29 March, 2023, the day when the regime in Kiev intended to drive out the monastics of the Kievan Lavra of the Caves, as reported by

That same day, as part of an archpastoral visit to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Florence, Italy, Vladyka Irenei led a moleben service. The clergymen, parishioners and guests of the historic Florentine church prayed for the cessation of the persecution of their suffering brothers and sisters, the faithful flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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