BELGRADE: 21 June, 2024
The delegation of the Russian Church Abroad leaves Serbia

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, a delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, visited Rakovica Monastery in Serbia, where they venerated the graves of Patriarch Demetrius and Patriarch Paul. Here, His Eminence and his entourage also visited the Museum of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle.

On the same day, the delegation venerated the shrines of the Vavedenje Monastery in the capital of Serbia. In this holy monastery ascetic nuns who fled from Russia after the events of 1917 brought with them the centuries-old traditions of Russian female monasticism, which fell on fertile soil.

The next day, Metropolitan Nicholas and his companions departed. At the airport, His Eminence was seen off by His Grace Bishop Peter of Toplica, Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia. Vladyka Nicholas asked Bishop Peter to convey to His Holiness his profound gratitude for the warm welcome and truly paternal care for the members of the delegation, noting that its stay within the confines of the Serbian Orthodox Church bore many instances of the bright and unforgettable witness to our unity in Christ, our common history and shared spiritual guides.

Metropolitan Nicholas returned to New York on Thursday evening, June 20.

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